All parenting across the world is done differently. Moms living in different cultures, have adapted their parenting method to their culture. Being a parent is a difficult job and no matter where you live, you are still facing struggles of dealing with your children. But what is the “right” way to parent? The answer is there really is not a right way to parent. You can only know what is best for your child and can take advice and information from others but putting it into your best practice is what is right for your child. Reading an article like this can help you determine your own parenting method. Mom’s around the world have many different parenting methods and here are some ways they do this:

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UNITED KINGDOM Moms work with children to mind their manners. It is a very important part of their society to be polite to adults. British moms also will communicate with their children and work through problems step by step, highlighting what went wrong and why they shouldn’t do it again. CHINA Chinese moms are very involved in their children’s lives. They might be known as “helicopter parents” to some families out there. Parent and child relationship is less casual than in other countries and many parents are very strict. NORWAY Parents let their children do a lot of activities on their own. Walking to school or going to the movies on their own at an early age is something that makes sense for this culture. They focus on the cultivation of independence. SPAIN Moms are focusing on social and interpersonal aspects of development with their children and these parents would be shocked if their children went to sleep at 6:30pm. Moms in Spain believe their children should be a huge part of their family life in the events and if they are going to sleep at 10pm, then that is their bedtime. BALI Babies in Bali cannot touch the ground until they are 3 months old. They believe that a new-born’s purity can be ruined if there is any contact with the unclean ground. At three months, families will hold ceremonies for the baby to have their foot step on the ground for the first time.