9 Tips That Can Help Your Baby Sleep Better at Night

9 Tips That Can Help Your Baby Sleep Better at Night

Trying to get a baby to sleep comfortably through the night can be a big ordeal for most parents. Newborn sleeping patterns are unpredictable, and they wake up often in the middle of the night for their feedings. If you have a baby who is younger than one year old, chances are you have not had a good night's sleep for some time now. With time, baby sleep patterns get more predictable, and they do start sleeping for longer intervals. You can still try some expert-suggested tips to help babies sleep better through the night and also help the parents catch that dreamy sleep they have been missing out on for quite some time. 9 Tips That Can Help Your Baby Sleep Better at Night Here are a few helpful tips that can help your baby sleep more comfortably, which means you get that much-needed sleep too.
  • Have a Regular Sleep Routine
Try to have a set routine for bedtime. Do not overstimulate your baby after sunset. Going to bed every day at around the same time and having a consistent bedtime routine will be beneficial in establishing regular long-term sleeping patterns.
  • Having the Baby in the Same Room as You May Help
Sleeping in the same room, especially in the first few months of their life, is very beneficial for the baby. It can help reduce the risk of SIDS. It can be comforting for both the baby and the parents especially knowing that they are there to attend to any urgent needs of the baby.
  • Don't Wait For the Baby to be Overtired
An overtired baby will be very difficult to calm down and put to sleep. It will also affect the quality of their sleep. So ensure you bring your baby to sleep before they get overly tired. You can also get top-quality baby beds, sleeping bags, or mattresses from reliable websites.
  • Create a Sleep Environment
Having a set sleeping regime and creating a regular schedule around nighttime will help your baby sleep better in the long run. A sleep regime may include bath time, cuddling, reading to the baby, massaging them, singing lullabies, feeding, etc. You can create your nighttime regime. However, ensure that you do not overdo it. Keep it simple and doable to be followed every day. Otherwise, you will tire yourself out or might even end up overstimulating your baby.
  • Make sure the baby is comfortable but do not check too much.
Check their diapers, lower the thermostat and do everything to make sure your baby is comfortable before putting them down to sleep. New mothers tend to become overly nervous and protective of their children. It is normal. However, avoid the urge to constantly check the baby as you might end up disturbing them before they fall into a deep sleep.
  • Pacifiers might help
Some babies love pacifiers, while others hate them. Try a few different pacifiers to see if your baby likes them. Pacifiers can help babies self-soothe and fall back to sleep if they get up in between too often.
  • Swaddling can be Comforting.
Swaddles are another way of comforting your child to help them stay asleep for longer intervals.
  • Take turns
Ensure that you and your partner take turns to soothe the baby during the time. This will help both of you get some sleep, at least.
  • Do not stress out
Babies' sleeping patterns change rapidly. So do not stress out and be patient. This period will pass soon. In addition to these tips, ensure that your baby sleeps safely. Doctors recommend not putting newborns on their stomachs while sleeping. Putting newborn babies on their sides or their backs can help reduce the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Also, do the following to ensure your baby is safe in his sleep:
  • Do not put too many things in the bassinet/cot/sleeping bag.
  • Try to avoid putting the baby in the same bed as you.
  • Do not use weighted blankets.
  • Use lightweight clothing to avoid overheating.
  • Ensure no dangerous items like cords, ribbons, ties, etc., are in the same bed as the baby.
Every baby is different. Some tips may work for your baby, while some may not. Try and see what works best for your baby and what makes them comfy. Moreover, there can be several reasons why your baby is fussy in his sleep. Irregular sleeping patterns are normal in younger babies. However, if you think your baby is constantly getting less sleep than the babies of his age get normally, or the baby seems to be in pain despite trying all the usual comforting measures, then do talk to your doctor about it.