Dress Ideas For Kids' During Halloween

13 Ideas To Dress Your Kid During Halloween

Halloween is a holiday that is observed on October 31. This contraction of All Hallows' Eve has its roots in an ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced “SAH-win”). This was celebrated to welcome the harvest at the end of the summer season. People would wear costumes and light bonfires to ward off ghosts (1).

In today’s world, Halloween is a holiday that is celebrated for fun where people dress up and go “trick or treating”. Hence, we bring you various options of Halloween costume ideas for your kids to wear this Halloween.


Here are some scary and simple Halloween costume ideas for your kids to wear this year.

1. Vampire:

A mixture of red, black, and white, this is an easy Halloween outfit perfect for your son or daughter. Switch out the pants for long skirts for your girls and they’re good to go. Don’t forget the fangs, capes, and fake blood.

2. Plague Doctor: 

This boys’ Halloween costume is also great for girls and it consists of a mask with glass eyes, a leather hat, a beak, a stick to remove the clothes of a plague victim, a waxed linen robe, gloves, and boots. 

3. Werewolf:

For this Halloween costume for kids, you will need werewolf gloves and a mask along with a furry chest piece, long, sharp-looking teeth, and a moulded face with a wicked snarl.

You can create DIY Halloween costumes for kids right in the comfort of your home by getting all the materials you need to put them together.


Here are some children's Halloween costumes inspired by movies which are great for your kids.

4. Mavis:

Inspired by Hotel Transylvania, Mavis is the perfect Halloween costume for girls and all you need to nail this look is a simple black dress, striped tights, sheer black fingerless gloves, and red high-top shoes.

5. The Mummy:

Inspired by the 1999 Mummy, this Halloween dress for kids requires a simple white tank top with biker shorts or leggings as the base of your mummy Halloween costume.

6. Ghost face:

Inspired by a Wes Craven character from Scream, this can be one of the many last-minute Halloween costume ideas The Ghostface costume requires a rubber white mask with black eyes, mouth, nose, and a black, cloth-like material for the hooded robe which should have faux-tatters draping from the arms.

Explore different types of baby clothes at Mama & Peaches to make your kids’ Halloween costumes.


Make a DIY Halloween costume for kids this year.

7. Barbie:

Barbie’s costumes are sparkly and some of the easiest things you can make for your kid with any of their old dresses or fabric. Select any of Barbie’s looks and get started getting all the essentials for the cute DIY Halloween costumes.

8. Wednesday Adams:

Quite the opposite of Barbie, Wednesday Adams is on the other end of the spectrum where she wears all black. If you’re keeping it low-key, the Wednesday Adams look can be easy to piece together with the signature pigtails.

9. Loki:

Keep it simple and classy with any of Loki’s looks which are perfect DIY Halloween costume ideas for your kids.

Check out Mama & Peaches for the various categories of baby products made with high-quality materials for their comfort and safety.


Make your kids look funny in their costumes which can be DIY Halloween costumes for kids or can be bought.

10. Toilet paper:

This is one of the easiest Halloween dresses for kids to wear on Halloween. Create a DIY base and stick some toilet paper or tissue paper around the foundation and they’re good to go.

11. Mouse:

This is a cute DIY Halloween costume for kids you can make for your kids. Get an old hoodie and stick some bunny ears or headband on the hoodie. Pair it with some matching bottoms.

Allow your kids to enjoy Halloween this year and get them their favourite kids’ Halloween costumes or make one for them at home with fabric and materials that are easy to find or get.


Explore some options or easy children's Halloween costumes that you can buy or make for your kids.

12. Painter:

This easy look requires any type of long-sleeved t-shirt and pants dungaree to pair. Don’t forget the paintbrush and maybe some paint smears on their face to add some character.

13. Field Day:

Make use of your kids’ used or old sportswear from school by allowing them to use it as their kids’ Halloween costumes. Get them a baseball or a bat to carry with them for props.

There are countless other Halloween costumes for kids that you can come up with or you can explore. Whether you choose to make them or buy them, we are certain that it’s going to turn out amazing.

For high-quality kids’ clothing and other items, explore Mama & Peaches for more baby products.


Q. How can I involve my child in choosing their Halloween costume?

A: Your child can be involved in choosing their Halloween dress-up ideas with you in various ways. You can allow them to pick any of their favourite characters or you can choose one for them. They can be involved in the process of choosing or making the costume.

Q. How early should I start looking for Halloween costumes for my child?

A: It’s never too early to start shopping for your children's Halloween costumes. You can prepare months in advance or get them a week or a few days before Halloween.

Q. How is Halloween celebrated in India?

A: Halloween is very well celebrated in India. Schools and Companies arrange special theme programs or functions for Halloween.


  1. https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1456/history-of-halloween/