5 Tips for Air Travel with Baby

Parents of little babies may have several reasons to travel by air – an emergency, a vacation, a work trip or even, just a leisure trip. No matter what the reason for travel is, usually, the parents are a lot more jittery than the little ones themselves. In this blog, we attempt to make your air travel with your little one a tad bit easier by sharing 5 tips for air travel with baby:

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  1. The right time
No matter where you have to go, try picking up a flight as per your baby’s sleep schedule. Picking a flight when your baby is usually asleep can be a boon. You don’t need a wailing, hungry baby when you are rushing to get to the airport.
  1. The right place
Choose the right seat for yourself and the baby. An aisle seat gives you enough room to stretch your legs or move around a bit, in case the baby gets a little cranky. It also makes it easier to walk to the restroom without hassling co-passengers. On the other hand, you may want to book a window seat for fabulous reasons like turning a bit and seeking your privacy while feeding or changing the baby, and also having a fantastic view, even when looking out of the plane. Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/uOc3ldMSAiY
  1. The right clothing
Make sure you choose comfort over style (even better if you find something that is both!) If you are breastfeeding, get in to clothing which is comfortable for you to be managing the baby and breastfeeding. As for the baby, always dress them in cotton clothes that have been washed a few times, to ensure they are comfortable. Also carry a clean wrap for the baby to protect them from catching any unwanted germs in the crowd of the airplane.
  1. Pack for a ‘trip to the airplane’
When travelling with a baby, it is quintessential to be carrying a burp cloth, extra diapers, toys, even books if required, wipes, rash creams or other ointments you use often, extra change of clothes for the bay and you. Pack in a snack or two for yourself if you find the need. Carrying a pacifier can also be a good idea as using the pacifier can help your baby deal with an ear pain because of changing pressures in the cabin.
  1. Be gentle
Be gentle and understanding instead of getting exasperated. It is ok to find it difficult to manage travel with your baby but you’re travelling for a reason so might as well go with the flow! It is advised that you wait for the baby to be at least 6 months old before you plan travel, unless it is really crucial. Do you have any tips to add to this list? Share with us in the comments below.

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