5 Tips to Get Your Car Ready For a Road Trip With Baby

Getting ready for a road trip with children is always stressful! Trying to make sure you have everything so you don’t end up having to buy everything when you get there, making sure you have enough food and toys for the trip, and you have all the blankets, towels, stuffed animals, diapers, clothes, etc. There is a lot! While planning a road trip, the actual destination is crucial to plan, but the trip there needs to be planned out as well. Road trips don’t need to be as stressful if you follow a few helpful tips from us!

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Photo by FORREST CAVALE on Unsplash Here are 5 tips to having a successful road trip: 1- Make a list. This is the first place to start. Making a list of everything you need to pack for you, the baby, food, supplies, and furniture. As you go through and pack, check off on the list so that way you know what is left to do.

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2- Have a packing method. Using bags that are great for storage would help when packing for a road trip. Rolling clothes, combining bags. Being over prepared is the way to go instead of having to keep stopping. 3-Pack the car essentials together. This is crucial so that way you didn’t pack the iPad in the truck and have to pull over to get it. Have everything that you need in the car. The car essentials are snacks, drinks, technology, music, books, toys, blankets, bottles, formula, binkies, headphones, and pillows. Anything that will need to be within reach of you or your kids while on the road, is what you need in the car.

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4- Drinks and cold food. Because you are going in a car, you are able to bring cold food with you that you could cook at the destination and drink or eat along the way to the destination. Having a cooler can help from stopping multiple times to get drinks or healthy foods along the way. Making it essential to only stop for bathroom breaks instead of getting snacks and drinks can help save you the trouble. 5- Have an idea of where you will stop and when. Although nothing ever goes as completely planned, it is still better to have a plan than not. Incase kids are sleeping, hungry or antsy, it would be good to know the locations of places that have bathrooms, gas stations or food along the way. Make sure to have some back up locations just in case the kids are sleeping and you don’t want to disrupt sleep. With a sleeping baby, you might want o have some extra bottles. Photo by A. L. on Unsplash Featured Photo by Bruno Bergher on Unsplash

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