5 Ways to Get Rid of Mommy Insomnia

Just when a bundle of joy enters your life, the first thing to walk out is sleep. At around 5 – 6 months of age, some infants tend to sleep through the night. Just when you thought you’d probably have great sleep now – Poof!! You find yourself staring at the ceiling, still trying hard to fall asleep. Why does something like that happen??

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The answer is, Postpartum Insomnia. Even a few months after the child is born, new moms tend to find it difficult to grab a shut eye, even though they desperately want to. Postpartum insomnia is primarily associated with postpartum depression and tends to keep the mind awfully awake. But there are ways to combat this nasty little issues. 1. White Music One remedy we personally recommend to everyone, is to fetch a pair of ear phones, and play some white noise or ‘sleeping music’ videos from YouTube. Plug in your ear phones, play the tunes and try getting a shut eye. This is one of the most powerful, yet non – habit forming remedies for insomnia. You can also download some white noise or nature tunes from the internet or from certain apps. 2. Deep Relaxation Techniques Trying a deep relaxation technique just before you are trying to sleep tends to help get a good quality sleep through the night. Check for techniques that can be used while lying down. 3. Try a black out Shut the curtains, put off any lights that are alight in the room and also use some eye masks if required. A complete state of darkness can help get you great quality sleep. 4. For God’s Sake, bid goodbye to those Screens! We know how much ‘me’ time means to you, but trust us when we say that sleep time is far more important. Try to get some sleep and put those phones and tablets away. The more you expose yourself to screens, the more active your brains are going to be. So tired eyes, active brains will lead to no sleep. 5. Have a bed time routine Not just for infants, but bed time routines work excellent for grown-ups as well. Take a nice shower, finish your meal and head to sleep. Keep this routine every day, and do it at the same time, to help form a routine that promotes better sleep. In case you still find it difficult to sleep on most days, discuss the issue with a medical health practitioner. Prefer sticking to aids that are non-habit forming as they are less harmful. If you have more questions, feel free to share it with us in the comments below.

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