Baby’s First Winter -Tips For Infant Care During Winters

Baby’s First Winter -Tips For Infant Care During Winters

Baby’s First Winter

The first winters of a newborn baby are said to be a time of great care and precaution for the family. Newborns need constant care and support until they reach a time when their immune system is strong enough to sustain well.

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If you too have a small baby at home this winter season and are wondering how to care for her, read on to find out how winters affect babies and what you can do to make baby’s first winters comfortable and safe for her.

Tips For Infant Care During Winters

With the cold weather setting in, the chance of viral infections, cold, cough and fever increase significantly. While the daily chores and routine of the baby must be done, here are some tips to follow for a safe first winters with your newborn –

  1. Massage your baby well

No matter what season it is, you should always massage your baby well before you give her a bath. Massaging stimulates blood circulation and boosts immunity. Make sure that you maintain a warm temperature in the room before removing the baby’s clothes. Noon is the best time to massage and bathe the baby. Use lukewarm oil.

  1. Vaccination Schedule

Winter is a season when babies tend to fall sick often because of the various viruses that are present in the air. Always make sure that you stick to the vaccination schedule and keep yourself and your baby safe and up-to-date when it comes to vaccination.

  1. Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is very important at least for the first six months. Breastfeeding helps to build immunity especially in the winter months. It also makes the baby feel warm and secure.

  1. Use Humidifiers

If you are using a blower or heater to warm the room for your baby, make sure you use a humidifier as well. Artificially heated rooms tend to become dryer and may affect the baby. Humidifiers help maintain the moisture level in the room.

  1. Moisturize well

Your child’s skin is very sensitive and delicate. Winters might harm the skin and your baby might get rashes. It is very vital that you use the right kind of moisturizer, which is gentle and keeps your baby’s skin safe and nourished. Always opt for the moisturizers that are rich in milk, cream, or butter for best results.

  1. Dress your baby in layers

Make a point to your little one in layers. Doing so will allow you to make easy adjustments as per the temperature indoors or outdoors. The inner layer can be a cotton vest, body suit, and leggings. Then you can layer it on with a soft sweater jacket, mittens, cap, and socks.

  1. Sunlight

Try to take your baby outside when you have bright sunlight since it is a very good source of Vitamin D and it will help to improve the immunity of the baby.

  1. Hygiene

When it comes to baby care, hygiene, and cleanliness during winters, one must be very careful. Regular sponge baths, sanitized toys, and clean play area are necessary to keep the baby’s immunity unharmed. Keep wet wipes and hand sanitizers handy.

  1. Sleep smart

Dressing your baby to sleep is vital and you should make a point that you freshen up your child, moisturize him/he well, and put on fresh sleepwear so that the baby is comfortable and cozy. Make sure you put on the socks and cap if it is too cold. For a newborn baby, you should neatly swaddle the baby so that he/she will sleep well and comfortably for the whole night.

Winter is the time of fun with the family but it is also a time for a number of illnesses. It is always better that you know some basic home remedies to keep your baby safe and warm. Maintain a proper temperature and hygiene at home to be protected from diseases. Cuddling your baby lovingly and spending time with your little one is as necessary as taking other precautionary measures.