Benefits of Bananas for Babies

Benefits of Bananas for Babies

Banana is an ideal fruit to feed to babies as soon as they begin weaning. Being a nutrient-rich source, it assists in the overall growth of a child. Little ones enjoy having this fruit owing to its sweet and creamy taste!

Nutritional Value of Bananas

Let us first get to know about the nutritional value of a banana that is of 100 grams.

Nutrition Value
Calories 89
Fat 0.3 g
Sodium 1 mg
Cholesterol 0 mg
Carbs 23 g
Protein 1.1 g
Vitamin A 1%
Vitamin C 14%
Iron 1%
Vitamin B6 20%
Magnesium 6%

When Should You Give Banana to Your Baby?

Doctors & paediatricians suggest that you should introduce your child to bananas at the 6 months age, right at the point when he/she starts having semi-solid food. Usually, for a 6-month old baby, a small banana every day is enough.

Why Should You Give Banana to your Baby?

Due to the soft and mushy texture of bananas, moms are worry-free of choking. The babies can easily eat and swallow it. There are many reasons why you should give banana to your little one:

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1. Fibre-rich Fruit

Owing to the rich fibre content in bananas, your baby will feel fuller for longer. Also, it improves their digestion and prevents constipation.

2. Easily Digestible

Tummy of your little one is not that strong to digest everything that is why easy to digest foods are given to them. Banana is one such eatable that is easy on their digestive system.

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3. Beneficial for Heart

Many studies show that foods rich in fibre have a capability of lowering the risk of cardiovascular and coronary heart problems. As discussed above, bananas are fibre-rich, they are good for heart health of your babies.

4. Prevent anaemia

As bananas have iron in great amount, it helps in promoting the production of red blood cells, which means it prevents your little one from anaemia- deficiency of RBCs.

5. Enhance brain power

Every mum wants her baby to have a good aptitude and concentration power, and bananas have potential to improve the brain power in your baby. So, you must include a banana in their everyday diet.

Final Words

Now that you know the amazing benefits of banana for babies, make it a part of their diet to improve their physical and mental health. If your baby isn’t liking banana just like it is then you can prepare delicious banana recipe for them, such as banana smoothie, banana & yogurt mix, Ragi-banana porridge, etc.

Giving one banana per day will do no harm to them, however it can cause problem if given too much. Therefore, ensure giving bananas to your kid in moderate quantity.

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