Bid adieu to post-delivery maintenance struggle & welcome great skin and body back!

Bid adieu to post-delivery maintenance struggle & welcome great skin and body back!

Bid adieu to post-delivery maintenance struggle & welcome great skin and body back! Are the 9 months of keeping your joy in you over? Feeling depressed and weighed down with all the new responsibilities and overwhelming emotions? We know how you feel with everything happening at once and trust us when we say, we are here for you, to fix it with all smiles and no pain (not anymore). Explore The Shop Home All you mama dears, raise your hands and swipe right for some good time here. Read on as we share with you our top products that will help you regain your glow and shape.
  • Recover beyond stretch marks
As known by any novice, stretch marks are the most visible body change people notice in a new mom but that’s not all. A woman’s body loses elasticity and firmness, reflects hip and thigh dimples, and of course the cellulite. But all of this can be treated and controlled with Bella B’s very potent Body Buzz (hyperlink body buzz with: This amazing formula is enriched with aloe vera, cocoa, shea butter, and avocado oil which is great for everyone’s skin.
  • Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!
We cannot emphasize enough on the importance of optimum hydration. Water is the magical ingredients that repairs everything, internally and externally. A well hydrated body is always more energized, high on stamina and glowing from within. And, what could be better than hydrating yourself in style with a chic porcupine bottle (hyperlink porcupine bottle with: Get your hands on this aqua companion that will help you surpass your water intake goals happily.
  • Nourish the tired feet so you can run the motherly chores, AGAIN!
Being a mother is a never-ending job that you have been fortunately selected for but with every job, comes stress and exhaustion. We know how tired, flaky and needy your feet get and to combat all that you unwillingly receive, we suggest you to try Dot & Key’s peppermint foot cream (hyperlink peppermint foot cream with: that deodorizes and moisturizes the skin in just a few minutes.
  • Ease out and feed better with Pukka’s Motherkind baby lactation tea
Being sure that you are duly delivering to your new responsibilities regularizes mental health. One such pain point for all the mothers is fretting whether they’re feeding the new baby well and enough. If you are facing such a worry, add Pukka’s nutrient rich Lactation tea) (hyperlink lactation tea with: a part of your day to become a source of health for your baby with this tasty beverage.
  • Regain strength & boost your immunity with Kama Ayurveda’s Dhanwantaram treatment oil.
The period after childbirth isn’t very easy and active to say, look at or feel. Other than visible fatigue and drained body energy, the immunity of the women also take a fall. It is vital for each one of you ladies to regain the strength and get back to your active self and to help you achieve it ASAP, nothing is a better option than Kama Ayurveda’s Dhawanataram post-natal treatment oil (Hyperlink the name with: It is a great addition to your post-delivery personal care considering how relieves pain, rejuvenates the body and increases the immunity. Can’t believe you could get the visible fraction of wellness back with such simple products? Well, surprise everyone around yourself too, and shop all these and more now at!