Fun, colourful toys are a part of every little one’s childhood. But have you wondered what an important role toys play in your child’s overall development? Educational toys are known to trigger and enhance your child’s cognitive, emotional, as well as, physical development from a very early age. At the same time, it is vital that the toys your munchkin comes in contact with and plays with, all day long are absolutely safe, made from natural materials, and free from harmful chemicals.
Here are a few must-have educational toys that are super safe for your peach -
#1. Wooden Stackers and Puzzles

Wooden toys are absolutely fun yet safe toys for babies. Wooden Stackers help babies to learn and recognize different shapes, sizes, colours, etc. while improving their hand-eye coordination and motor skills. Wooden Puzzles are the perfect challenges to activate brain function and build your child’s problem-solving ability, spacial management skills, sorting abilities and more.
#2. Soft Toys

Soft toys are great tools to trigger the flow of imagination and creativity in children. Soft toys and action figures are usually enjoyed by children of all ages. Teach them to imagine a character and build a story around those toys for hours of pretend play and cuddling. These activities are great for your child’s cognitive, social as well as emotional development.
#3. Counting game

Along with words, it is important for a child to learn numbers and how to count. Bring home the Brainsmith Counting Firemen, the perfect counting game to help your child identify and learn numbers and have fun with them. These colorful firemen blocks and ladder are sure to keep your munchkin engaged for hours while sparking logical thinking and developing problem solving abilities as well.
#4. Tell A Tale

Along with cognitive and physical development, it is essential to help build your child’s linguistic and social skills too. Games such as “Spin A Story” are great to enhance your little one’s oral fluency, creativity, imagination, language development, communication skills, and retention. Sit together and let your child weave interesting stories using hints from the flashcards drawn from the game.
#5. Spell Them Right

Learning and remembering spellings of words can be pretty boring for many kids; unless you make it all fun and games. Spell Cat is an interesting and colorful approach to the otherwise conventional way of learning spellings which will keep children engaged as they challenge themselves.
#6. Sort and Count

A sorting toy helps your kid to learn and recognize different shapes, sizes, patterns, colors as well as object placement. Get your child a multipurpose toy like the “Brainsmith Shape Sorting Clock” with which your child can learn to count, get familiar with clocks and learn to match numbers and colors. Also try the Spy Bag, a unique sorting toy to satiate your little one’s curiosity.
#7. Puzzles

Puzzles are challenging games that trigger one’s problem-solving and memory skills. Get your peach this unique Diwali Stick Puzzle that creates Ravan’s 10 heads on beautifully painted sticks. Perfect to inculcate patience in your little one, this puzzle is a great way to educate little ones about our mythology, culture, festivals, and traditions.